Complete This Statement. Food Service Gloves:

Complete this statement. Food service gloves: is one of the questions included in the Food Handlers quiz. The options to the questions include:

A. Should be put on after washing hands with soap and water
B. Kill germs on contact and eliminates food contamination
C. Can be wasted and re-used until they become dirty or torn
D. Act as a germ magnet, keeping everything touched germ-free

Which one do you think is the correct answer to the question? Is it A, B, C, or D? For anyone who has no idea about the correct answer to the question, it is A. Should be put on after washing hands with soap and water.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC, handwashing is the best way to prevent the illness from spreading. While it is true that gloves are an important part of keeping hands clean, they are not a substitute for washing hands. It is worth noting that gloves should be used in addition to handwashing and are not instead of it. Before putting on the gloves, it is a must to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Furthermore, gloves should not be worn forever. They should be changed in some conditions, such as after each task, if they become soiled or ripped, if the users have touched their face or hair while wearing them, after coming into contact with someone who is ill, and if the users are going from working with raw food to ready-to-eat food without washing their hands first.

Apparently, Complete this statement. Food service gloves: is not the only question included in the Food Handlers quiz. Aside from that, there are also some other ones. Check out some of them below plus their correct answers in bold:

  1. After using a meat slicer, you should:
    A. Spray it with all-purpose cleaner and water rinse
    B. Wipe it down with clean cloth and bleach water
    C. Wash it with soapy water and rinse with water
    D. Wash it with soapy water, rinse, and sanitize
  2. Before touching prepared food with your hands, you must:
    A. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
    B. Wipe your hands with paper towels
    C. Put your hands under running water
    D. Put on latex-free disposable gloves
  3. Equipment such as chafing dishes, steam tables and heated cabinets designed to hold foods hot should at least keep food temperatures at _____ or hotter:
    A. 135°F (57°C)
    B. 140°F (60°C)
    C. 155°F (68°C)
    D. 165°F (74°C)
  4. Food that makes people sick will often:
    A. Look bumpy with odd color
    B. Taste sharp or bitter
    C. Smell slightly woody
    D. Taste the same as normal
  5. Ground turkey must be cooked to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C). Why must turkey be cooked to this minimum temperature?
    A. 165°F makes the turkey golden brown
    B. Germs will survive at lower temperatures
    C. Higher temperatures destroy the quality
    D. Pink turkey meat doesn’t taste or smell good
  6. If there are any doubts about the safety of a food product, you should:
    A. Donate it to charity
    B. Use it right away
    C. Heat it to 165°F
    D. Discard the food
  7. It is okay to use the same gloves to:
    A. Clean the stainless steel table and then wash the produce
    B. Chop raw onion, then raw meat, and put both into a skillet
    C. Take the garbage to the dumpster, and then chop raw meat
    D. Handle money, prepare a sandwich, and pour the beverage
  8. It is safe to eat baked goods that have been handled using:
    A. Bare hands
    B. Deli paper
    C. Finger tips
    D. Cloth towel
  9. It is safe to handle food that requires no additional preparation before service with:
    A. Bare fingers to hold the food on the spatula when serving
    B. A cloth towel that is washed every 4 hours of being used
    C. Bare hands that have been washed with soap and water
    D. Clean utensils, deli papers, tongs, or disposable gloves
  10. The best way to keep the hands free from contamination is to?
    A. Use tongs for raw meat
    B. Wipe hands on apron
    C. Use a sanitizer wipe cloth
    D. Cough into tissue paper
  11. The chef touches raw sausage and then touches toasted bread
    A. Toasted bread is too hot for germs to survive
    B. The chef must first wipe his hands on a towel
    C. The health department says this is okay
    D. The hands can contaminate the toasted bread
  12. The food sanitation rules require someone at your restaurant to:
    A. Know the rules and be in charge of the operation
    B. Be available to take food orders and prepare food
    C. Be in charge during the hours of operation
    D. Know the food sanitation rules
  13. The manager is responsible for knowing the food sanitation rules. This includes the supervision of food handlers in:
    A. Recognizing problems with employee health
    B. Handling customer’s money and credit cards
    C. Routine clean up of the parking lot and restrooms
    D. Following the restaurant’s policies on complaints
  14. The manager is responsible for knowing the food sanitation rules. This includes the supervision of food handlers in:
    A. Demonstrating proper cooking temperatures
    B. Following a cleaning schedule for the dining room
    C. Notifying customers of problems in the kitchen
    D. Knowing liquor laws and prohibitions of service
  15. You have an infected cut on your hand that is swollen and red. You:
    A. Leave it alone. It will heal better on its own without a bandage
    B. Wash hands, put on a clean bandage, and cover it with a glove
    C. Use an antiseptic and put on a glove over the infected cut
    D. Wash your hands and continue working with the food
  16. The manager is responsible for training you about food safety in your job duties, which includes:
    A. Showing you how to count back money change to customers
    B. Keeping workers motivated to ensure high food production
    C. Preparing the food on one ticket to be ready at the same time
    D. Showing you when and how to wash your hands properly
  17. The manager is responsible for training you about food safety in your job duties. These duties include preventing foodborne illness by:
    A. Timing food preparation to be ready for wait staff to serve
    B. Storing food in a manner to prevent contamination
    C. Keeping you productive during your entire work shift
    D. Keeping food costs down by reducing food waste
  18. The manager’s most important food safety responsibility is training you to:
    A. Avoid food waste. This keeps food costs down
    B. Prepare food when you receive a ticket order
    C. Report to the manager when you are sick
    D. Perform needed tasks throughout the facility
  19. The most important reason to properly clean a cutting board is to:
    A. Eliminate odors from getting onto other food
    B. Prevent contamination from one food to another food
    C. Make the cutting board look better and last longer
    D. Reduce the risk of a knife blade slipping on the surface
  20. The required minimum cooking temperature for ground beef is 155°F (68°C). Why must ground beef be cooked to this temperature?
    A. This temperature kills germs that may be in the meat
    B. This temperature activates important nutrients in the meat
    C. People don’t like to see pink inside the meat
    D. This temperature reduces the amount of fat in the meat

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