Can You Use Raz Kids for Guided Reading?

Raz Kids is an award-winning teaching product that gives comprehensive leveled reading resources for the students. It provides lots of eBooks at 29 different levels of reading difficulty. By the way, can you use Raz Kids for guided reading? Well, let us talk about that information here.

Can you use Raz Kids program for guided reading?

Yes, of course. You are able to use Raz Kids for guide reading. As we know that Raz Kids provides many eBooks at 29 different levels of reading difficulty. As a student, you are able to access your leveled text via a portal designed to keep you engaged and motivated. Raz Kids eBook is available in mobile formats and online. It allows you to listen to, read at your own pace, and also record yourself reading. As a student, you are also able to take an eQuiz with an extended answer response to test comprehension. After you have read ten or more of the leveled eBooks and passed each of the corresponding eQuizzes, you will be able to advance on to the next reading level where you have access to lengthier text and more difficult text as well.

Here are some Raz Kids features:

  • 800+ leveled eBooks for the students to practice reading anytime and anywhere they want.
  • Corresponding eQuizzes which measure the student comprehension.
  • Spanish eBook and eQuiz translations are available for English language learners and bilingual programs.
  • Digital management and reporting tools for tracking individual and class-wide reading progress easily.

Is Raz-kids a good reading program?

Overall Raz-Kids is a great product. All students are able to have the right books with lots of scaffolded support. The parents liked knowing that there was a place their children could go online, and not only improve their reading and learn but also be safe. Raz-Kids is a really great product and we would strongly recommend it.

Getting students started in three steps

Step 1: Please add the students to your roster

The Roster makes it easy to login, send messages, and manage the student activity for all your Learning A-Z subscriptions. Utilize the Roster to customize passwords, reading levels, incentives, groups, and more for your students. Make a Roster when you first log in to benefit from product features and make sure the students get the most from their personalized learning environment.

Step 2: Determine reading level for the student

If you have already known a student’s reading level, choose it when adding them to your Roster. But, if you do not know a student’s reading level, choose the Reading Placement Tool. For note: The Reading Placement Tool is only for newly registered students. The Reading Placement Tool will identify the appropriate starting point for the students using Raz-Kids or Raz-Plus through a series of adaptive reading activities. After they have  completed the activities, the students are going to be leveled at one of nine entry points. The Reading Placement places the students at one of nine entry point levels, close to their independent reading level. You should learn more about levels or how to determine a student’s instructional reading level at Assessing a Student’s Level.

Step 3: Communicate Kids A-Z login instructions to the students and parents

Please learn more about the Kids A-Z Student Portal at the Student Portal. Download the personalized Student Login Cards and then distribute them to the students so they are able to log into the Kids A-Z Student Portal by using their username and password, in class or at home. Also, download the Letter to Parents to get parents and guardians started using Learning A-Z products at home. The letter is offered in some languages and introduces the Learning A-Z product available to the students, explains student login instructions, and also instructs parents and guardians how they are able to get progress reports via email in a variety of languages.

Raz-Kids benefits for teachers and students

By attending home-school connections and giving the students a variety of books to read at their grade-appropriate level, Raz-Kids has what you need to monitor the progress of students and improve their literacy skills. With options for independent reading practice and assessment, Raz-Kids is a great resource for teachers and students.

Here are some Raz-Kids benefits for teachers and students:

  • 24/7 Accessibility

Because Raz-Kids is accessible through the Kids A-Z mobile app, then the students are able to read online leveled books anytime and anywhere. The students will be able to continue practicing skills introduced in the classroom by logging into their Kids A-Z accounts from their home laptops, computers, Android phones, iPhones, or Kindles to complete reading assignments and eQuizzes.

  • Leveled Resources

With over 500 books at 29 different levels of reading difficulty, every student is able to access a high-interest book that’s right for them. Also, each book’s eQuiz questions are tagged with a particular comprehension skill. Thus, when you review quiz scores you will know exactly what skills students are acquiring and what skills you need to reteach.

  • Interactive Tools

When the students use Raz-Kids to read leveled books, they are able to select from various drawing, highlighting, stamping, and note-taking options that let them practice active reading strategies. Also, Raz-Kids offers rewards to keep the students motivated to advance reading levels.

  • ELL Options

English language learners (ELL) have a leg up on reading when they use Raz-Kids. Not only does Raz-Kids have books and eQuizzes for emergent and beginner reading levels, but also it has Spanish translated leveled books to improve comprehension and fluency.

  • Digital Reporting

After the students have completed reading and interacting with a leveled book, they are able to take some attempts at an eQuiz. The students will be able to revisit the text as they take the quiz, and they are able to re-take it to increase their scores. For the teacher, you will get student scores automatically, and with quiz questions tagged for specific comprehension skills you will know exactly what skills students need to revisit.

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