Can You Skip Assignments on Penn Foster?

Assignment is one of the most important things when it comes to schools or colleges. It is one of the things to determine your grade. Is it also applied to Penn Foster? Is it possible to skip assignments on Penn Foster?

A lot of people have been wondering about this issue. Some people do not have enough time to do assignments as they are too busy with their things, while some might want to skip the assignments because they simply do not feel like doing it. If you are wondering if you can skip assignments on Penn Foster, this post will answer your curiosity.

Can You Skip Assignments on Penn Foster

Can You Skip Assignments on Penn Foster?

There is a thread on the popular community Reddit about Penn Foster assignment skipping. A user named supadoupaxxo started the thread with the title “Penn Foster assignment skipping”. He said that he has been reading a lot on this sub about how to skip assignments and go straight to the test but when it comes to it, some people say that when you graduate the high school programs for Penn Foster, they will go over all of the work when it is done. He asked if Penn Foster allows the students to graduate if they do not do the assignments.

GATHRAWN91 was the one that replied to supadoupaxxo. He said that he used to work in Penn Foster. According to him, skipping the self assignments is fine. The assignments are there to make sure that the students know the materials. He also replied to a replay asking about the possibility to skip the assignments and just take the exam and then go back to take it without getting zero, saying that it is possible. However, the thing might have changed since it has been a while since he was there.

Cowxilla said that the exercises assignments are not graded but they are all required to be completed if you want to graduate.

There are a lot of opinions on whether you can skip assignments on Penn Foster. As there is no certainty, it is better for you to call the representative of Penn Foster by dialing the number 1 800 275 4410. Making sure about this thing is highly recommended to avoid getting zero points and to make sure that you will not be penalized. If you just skip the assignments without knowing if it is really allowed and it turns out it is not allowed and you get zero points or if you get penalized, it would be such a shame.

Skipping Assignments

Doing assignments might make everyone look like a good one but it is not always effective to actually improve the grades. Skipping the assignment can be considered if:

  • It is low value: The signs that indicate that the assignment has a low value include it is one of many assignments and the assignment is not worth much of your syllabus.
  • It does not help with test prep: If you think that the assignment does not help with test prep, you can consider doing only unique aspects of assignments and skip the repetitive ones.
  • There are better things to do: Better things can mean more fun things. It depends on how you value something. You might not think of that assignment as an important thing.

Grading Systems

Skipping the assignments on Penn Foster might affect your grade. Before making a decision whether you will skip the assignments or not, you are encouraged to calculate your grade. Here is the grading system owned by the Penn Foster:

  • The grading system of the career school

Every examination and project will be graded on the following scale:

Lesson Grade (%) Letter Equivalent Rating
90-100 A Excellent
80-89 B Good
70-79 C Average
65-69 D Passing
Below 65 F Falling

Apparently, an overall program average of 65% or above is required if you want to graduate and earn the diploma.

  • The grading system of college

A number letter system is used by Penn Foster to grade. The number grades are used for the examinations and the letter grades are used to the courses that have been completed. The letter grade of each course shown is the result of calculating the average of the lesson examination grades as two thirds of the course grade and the proctored examination grade as one third. Then, these letter grades are changed to the quality points to calculate the QPA (Quality Point Average) for each semester and the cumulative QPA for more than one semester. For the A grade, the quality points is 4.0 and for the F grade, it is 0.0

Each examination and project will be graded on the following scale:

Lesson Grade (%) Letter Equivalent Rating Quality Point Average
90-100 A Excellent 4.0
80-89 B Good 3.0
70-79 C Average 2.0
Below 70 F Falling 0.0

Keep in mind that it is a must for you to pass all courses and get a cumulative QPA or Quality Point Average of 2.0 or higher in all studies if you want to graduate and get the associate or bachelor’s degree.

  • The grading system of high school

An exam needs to be taken at the end of each lesson, which is able to be completed through its official website. Once you have passed the exam, the next lesson is ready to be taken. The new one will always be ready to be taken after one exam that has been completed.

Each examination and project will be graded on the scale below:

Lesson Grade (%) Letter Equivalent Rating
90-100 A Excellent
80-89 B Good
70-79 C Average
65-69 D Passing
Below 65 F Falling

According to the official website of Penn Foster, an overall course grade of 65% or above in each subject and successful completion of 21.5 credits are required to earn the High School Diploma.

  • The grading system of workforce development custom programs
Lesson Grade (%) Letter Equivalent Rating
90-100 A Excellent
80-89 B Good
70-79 C Average
Below 70 F Falling

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