Are you trying to solve LA Times Crossword? If so, you may find any difficulties in answering the clue in the crosswords. One of the clues in the LA Times Crossword for October 19th, 2021 is Barflies. What is the answer for this clue? Let’s find out the answer for this clue here.
The Answer for Barflies Crossword Clue
When you are trying to answer the clue in a crossword, the important thing that you need to pay attention is to see the number of the letters and also the letters which have appeared on the crossword. In the LA Times crossword on October 19th, 2021, Barflies is in the number 64. It is across and the answer consists of 6 letters.
The possible answer is:
You are able to try to enter this answer in the crossword. However, if you find that it does not match, you are able to try to answer with the other possible answers as you are able to see in the list below.
If you find Barflies clue in the other crosswords, the letters for the answer may be different. So, here are all possible answers related to Barflies clue.
According to Crossword Tracker, this clue has been used many times. Here are the usage of Barflies clue in crosswords puzzles according to Crossword Tracker.
- LA Times
It was used on October 19, 2021. - New York Times
It was used on August 8, 2021. - LA Times
It was used on January 17, 2020. - Joseph
It was used on August 24, 2017. - Universal Crossword
It was used on October 20, 2016. - New York Times
It was used on September 29, 2016. - LA Times
It was used on December 26, 2014. - LA Times Sunday Calendar
It was used on November 17, 2013. - LA Times
It was used on November 17, 2013. - Pat Sajak Code Letter
It was used on June 6, 2013. - Universal Crossword
It was used on January 28, 2013. - Premier Sunday
It was used on October 14, 2012. - Joseph
It was used on June 25, 2012. - LA Times Sunday Calendar
It was used on June 17, 2012. - LA Times
It was used on June 17, 2012. - Joseph
It was used on October 15, 2011. - USA Today
It was used on August 4, 2011. - LA Times Sunday Calendar
It was used on December 27, 2009. - New York Times
It was used on July 5, 2006. - Universal Crossword
It was used on May 10, 2003. - USA Today Archive
It was used on November 18, 1996. - New York Times
It was used on May 26, 1991. - New York Times
It was used on August 22, 1989. - New York Times
It was used on March 28, 1986. - New York Times
It was used on December 28, 1981. - New York Times
It was used on May 25, 1980. - New York Times
It was used on May 20, 1979. - New York Times
It was used on October 10, 1976. - New York Times
It was used on July 13, 1975.
The Other Clues in LA Times Crosswords on October 19th, 2021
In the list below, you are able to see the other clues in LA Times Crosswords on October 19th, 2021.
- Number 1, the clue is: In the thick of.
- Number 5, the clue is: “Honey, I_ the Kids”: 1989 comedy.
- Number 11, the clues is: Brown bag staple, initially.
- Number 14, the clue is: Waves from the back of a boat.
- Number 15, the clue is: Like some sandpaper.
- Number 16, the clue is: Sam Adams, e.g.
- Number 17, the clue is: Flickered-out flames?
- Number 18, the clue is: “24” analyst Chloe_
- Number 19, the clue is: Operate.
- Number 20, the clue is: Good thing to have for a change?
- Number 22, the clue is: A lot.
- Number 24, the clue is: Judith of “Down Home”.
- Number 25, the clue is: Diplomat’s post.
- Number 27, the clue is: Reacted to a really bad pun, perhaps.
- Number 30, the clue is: Thrash about.
- Number 31, the clue is: Think tank output.
- Number 32, the clue is: South African grassland.
- Number 33, the clue is: Place to bowl.
- Number 37, the clue is: Hunk of bacon, say.
- Number 38, the clue is: Flood deterrent.
- Number 39, the clue is: Like a Frappuccino.
- Number 40, the clue is: Severe criticism.
- Number 41, the clue is: Word with teen or golden.
- Number 42, the clue is: Nab in a trap.
- Number 43, the clue is: The Ellery Queen Award is one.
- Number 45, the clue is: Mideast or Midwest.
- Number 46, the clue is: Motorcyclist’s invitation.
- Number 49, the clue is: “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” movie.
- Number 50, the clue is: Biblical prophet.
- Number 51, the clue is: Apple known by its first three letters.
- Number 56, the clue is: Notable period.
- Number 57, the clue is: Words to live by.
- Number 59, the clue is: R&B’s India._
- Number 60, the clue is: Actress de Armas.
- Number 61, the clue is: Light, as a fire.
- Number 62, the clue is: Demolish.
- Number 63, the clue is: Bench press muscle, briefly.
- Number 64, the clue is:Barflies.
- Number 65, the clue is Winter Ride.
- Number 1, the clue is: Blown away.
- Number 2, the clue is: Calf-covering skirt.
- Number 3, the clue is: DIY furniture brand.
- Number 4, the clue is Movie with Minions.
- Number 5, the clue is: Got a run home.
- Number 6, the clue is: Avocation.
- Number 7, the clue is:_avis
- Number 8, the clue is: “Spoon-bender” debunked by the Amazing Randi.
- Number 9, the clue is: Code-breaking org.
- Number 10, the clue is: Jedi Master Obi-Wan_.
- Number 11, the clue is: Repair bill heading.
- Number 12, the clue is B.B. King genre.
- Number 13, the clue is: Female donkey.
- Number 21, the clue is 12/24 and 12/31.
- Number 23, the clue is:Meteors, and what three Down answers aptly contain.
- Number 26, the clue is: Manufactured.
- Number 27, the clue is: Genie’s offering.
- Number 28, the clue is: Run without moving.
- Number 29, the clue is: “Hud” Oscar-winner Patricia.
- Number 30, the clue is: Flu symptom.
- Number 32, the clue is: Diner list for animal product avoiders.
- Number 34, the clue is: Antioxidant berry.
- Number 35, the clue is: Old Roman fiddler.
- Number 36, the clue is: Eve’s first home.
- Number 38, the clue is: Italy’s Como, per esempio.
- Number 42, the clue is: Fixed with thread.
- Number 44, the clue is: Arizona MLBers.
- Number 45, the clue is: Workers’ rewards.
- Number 46, the clue is: Inexpensive.
- Number 47, the clue is: “SNL” producer Michaels.
- Number 48, the clue is: Author Asimov.
- Number 49, the clue is: Rapper with the 2013 #1 album “Born Sinner”.
- Number 52, the clue is: Also includes.
- Number 53, the clue is: face-to-face exam.
- Number 54, the clue is: XL or L, but not LX.
- Number 55, the clue is: Take to heart.
- Number 58, the clue is: Brazil metropolis.