You may need the army JKO Course catalog because you need the information about it. If so, here you will get the information about it including where to get it and what the contents of that catalog are.
Army JKO Course Catalog
If you access JKO at, and then you click on the More About JKO link, then you will be shown Fact and Sheet and Briefs. One of the things that you can find is the 2021 Courseware and Capabilities Catalog. You have to click on it and then you will be taken to the catalog in the PDF format.
What is the information that we can get from this catalog? In this catalog, you can get the information from the program manager, about JKO, JKO products and services, JKO Tool Kit, JKO Access and Accounts, JKO Customer Support Services, Out of Cycle Requests (OOCR), Introduction to JKO Learning Content Management System, JKO Navigation Tips, JKO Course Prefix Descriptions, About JKO Course Listing, JKO Course Listing and Course Descriptions, and Small Group Scenario Trainer Library.
You are able to see some of the contents below.
About JKO
JKO is the DoD learning training platform which is distributed and it gives global access for 24 hours per day, 7 days a week to online education and training courses and training resources which are web-based. The capability sends web-based access on military classified and unclassified networks to training which is required, theater-entry and self-paced to prepare for joint operations and training exercises. Combatant commands, Combat Support Agencies, Services and other organizations of DoD use it for individual online training requirements, distributed small team staff training and to augment collective events and exercises.
JKO Products and Services
Here are the JKO products and services.
- Courses, Videos and Job Aids
The courses are not only standards-based, but also web-based at varying degrees of interactivity levels according to customer training needs and priorities. Videos, stand-alone and in courses and also job aides.
- Special Area Curriculums
Sequenced training courses range from basic level to advanced level courses which are focused on topical training requirements, created using all levels of immersive interactivity, videos and simulated scenarios to reinforce training objectives and learning.
- Communities of Interest
There are training-specific Communities which are enterprise-wide or organization specific. Training Coordinators are able to create communities which are scoped to their organization and below.
- Tool Training
Training coordinator training with the aim to be able to help trainers to maximize use of JKO LCMS to enhance their organizations’ individual training program and also JKO Course Builder and Report Builder training.
- Staff Training Exercises
The exercises of scenario simulation are made by using SGST with the aim to help cross-functional B2C2WGs train and plan against realistic problems as a team. Exercises guarantee the environment and the challenges where they operate are replicated.
- Blended Learning Training Packages
There is blended learning exercise support with web-based training courses as pre-requisite training and distributed, SGST exercise tailored to complement or augment exercise objectives.
- 24/7 Customer Support Center
JKO has a Help Desk with very qualified customer service personnel, specifically experienced in the use of the JKO tools and procedures.
JKO Tool Kit
- JKO Training Delivery
JKO is based on an architecture which is modern and scalable which is able to adapt to meet emerging needs. It is a distributed learning architecture which is nonproprietary and standards-based which integrates government off-the-shelf products and commercial interface standards, vanishing licensing costs and enhancing sharing of digital content.
- JKO Learning Content Management System (LCMS)
It is a secure, scalable system which resides on military classified and unclassified networks. It is a role-based system which has eight associated roles.
- JKO Course Builder
It is a content authoring tool with content repository and versioning capability that administers creation, reuse, management and delivery of web-based courseware.
- JKO Report Builder
It enhances the ability of JKO to give support to the Joint Force and JKO customers by giving Standard and Custom Report capability.
- JKO VClasa
Open Source Educational software (SAKAI) is integrated with the JKO LMS with the aim to extend capability for University-style distance learning.
The SGST is a small team, staff training tool which is flexible and dynamic, web-based and user-editable.
JKO Access and Accounts
JKO is a system which is web-based. JKO gives internet access to online courses, communities, curricula and learning resources on military unclassified (NIPRNET) and classified (SIPRNET) networks. You are able to access JKO 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and you can access it from any computer as long as it has internet access. You can access it at (NIPRNET) and (SIPRNET).
If you want to access it, there are the system requirements that it needs to meet as you are able to see from the list below.
- Browser
You have to make sure that the browser that you use is Internet Explorer 9.0 or Firefox 3.6 or higher. You are also able to use Google Chrome/ Microsoft Edge 80+.
- Screen Properties
The screen must be 1024 x 768 or better recommended.
- JavaScript Enabled
It is important to know that there is no need for java.
- Java Script Windows
It must be version 1.6 or above.
- Media Player
You can use Windows Media Player 9 or higher required for some courses.
There are a lot of NIPRNET courses and here are some of them.
- 2020 DoD Operations Security Campaign SECDEF Video (5 min)/ JS-US078/ ATRRS: N ATRRS Points: N
- 80KVA Chloride Uninterruptible Power Supply Maintainer Course (1 hr) / MED-052/ ATRRS: Y ATRRS Points: Y
There are a lot of SIPRNET Courses and here are some of them.
- 2010 Level I Antiterrorism Training Module (1 hr) / J30P-US843/ ATRRS: Y ATRRS Points: N
- AC2 Element in a JIIM Environment / J30P-US138 / ATRRS: Y ATRRS Points: N
Mobile Courses
There are also a lot of mobile courses and here are some of them.
- Blended Retirement System (BRS) Financial Counselor-Educator Course (1 hr) / J30P-US1331
- Cross-Cultural Negotiations (CCN) – Civil Affairs (2 hr) / J30P-US1254
You are able to see the complete information about it in the catalog.