Army GCSS Portal Access Win GUI

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Army GCSS Win GUI/ HTML Tutorial

If you access Youtube, there is a video entitled GCSS Army Win GUI/ HTML Tutorial which  was uploaded by Cisco Coppage LLC on March 23rd, 2018. The information which is shared on that video can be read below.

According to that video, there are 2 different versions of the GCSS Army system which are able to be used to complete tasks. The versions are WIN GUI and HTML GUI. What is the WIN GUI version? It permits you to be able to navigate through the system by clicking on graphical icons (pictures). How about the HTML version? It permits you to be able to navigate through the system by choosing text (words). The HTML version is the same as how PBUSE operated.

As you are able to see in the video, from the home screen, you can choose HTML GUI and for your information that HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language GUI. The HTML version is driven by text or words. The HTML version, some personnel find this to be a little bit easier just because there are too many icons in the WIN GUI version for them. Everything will be spelled out on the button for them. Let’s take an example. You can see a button with the word menu on it to let you know that is your menu options. You also see a button with the word log off to let you know that is how you can log off the system. You also see the SAP Business Workplace button which can connect you to your email system inside of GCSS Army. There is also a button where you are able to add transaction codes to your favorites. There is also a button where you are able to delete those transaction codes that you no longer want to be saved in your favorites.

In the video, you are able to see that she has a few transaction codes saved into her favorites on her user menu for the HTML version. So, the HTML is driven by text or words.

If you want to see how the WIN GUI version is, you are able to select the WIN GUI version. WIN GUI stands for Windows Graphical User Interface. The WIN GUI version is driven by icons or graphics. On the screen, as shown in the video, there are some pictures for you to navigate. There is a pencil which lets you edit or change something. There is also a trash can next to the pencil icon. The trash can icon is for deleting a transaction code from your favorites. There is also the plus or the asterisk there where it can be used to add a transaction code to your favorites. And then, next to that, there is a triangle button which points downward towards that rectangle. It is the icon to open up your email inside of the GCSS Army. There, you also can see the yellow circle at the top letting you know that you are able to exit.

So, the WIN GUI is driven off of icons and the HTML is driven off of text.

To watch the video about GCSS Army WIN GUI/HTML Tutorial, you are able to access Youtube and find the video entitled GCSS Army WIN GUI/ HTML Tutorial which was uploaded by Cisco Coppage LLC on March 23th, 2018. Now, this video has been watched more than 4.2k times. The duration of this video is 3 minutes 41 seconds.

About GCSS

According to the website of GCSS, GCSS-Army is the tactical unit or installation logistics and financial system for the U.S. Army. This is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution where supplies, spare parts and organizational equipment are tracked. Total cost of ownership,  Unit maintenance, and other financial transactions related to logistics for all Army units are tracked by it.

This is an application which is modernized and it subsumed outdated Standard Army Management Information Systems (STAMIS) which were not financially compliant. About 40,000 local supply and logistics databases integrate into a single system which is enterprise-wide authoritative.

GCSS Army is compliant financially. It is also a key component for the Army Enterprise strategy to guarantee financial compliance by the end of FY17. GCSS Army gives effects to every supply room, direct support repair shop, motor pool, warehouse, DOL, and property book office in the Army so that it can improve efficiency and visibility for over 100,000 users.

The cornerstone of GCSS Army is commercial off-the-shelf software which is configurable and it is provided by the company SAP. Increased adaptability, flexibility, and efficiency are given by SAP in support of the Army’s unique tactical logistics sustainment requirements. This system uses capability which is web-based and it is for providing users access to information and exchange operational data related to tactical maintenance, materiel management, tactical financials, property accountability, and other related sustainment functional areas. Tactical logistics enterprise information is integrated by GCSS Army for leaders and decision makers. It is done to provide a single maneuver sustainment picture to manage combat power.

What are Product Managers in the GCSS Army? They have the responsibility to the overall and ongoing success of a product. They are required to be able to manage the product through the whole lifecycle. They also have to stand up all product management divisions including Program Management, Technical Management and Logistics Lifecycle.

How about the Program Management Division (PMD)? It provides oversight and support to a variety of Project Management wide initiatives. PMD serves as the focal point of the Program Management Office for budget and contracting coordination, operational support and planning and analysis. Functional support agreements must be managed by PMD for PMO services, budget execution, planning and programming, acquisition, and financial management.

If you want to know more about the GCSS Army, you are able to access the website.

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