For those who want to find out some information regarding ALMS Army Training, you are able to read this entire article. Here we are going to share that information. Make sure you will not miss any information about ALMS Army Training.
About ALMS (Army Learning Management System)
ALMS (Army Learning Management System) is a centralized training system that allows training NCOs, training managers, the instructors, the unit commanders, and individual users to schedule, register, and also give standardized Army training for the Soldiers and DA Civilians. The users are able to register for self-paced courses. From the home, office, or DTF, the Soldiers and Army civilians are able to meet their distributed learning needs for 24/7.
The ALMS (Army Learning Management System) provides:
- The storage of automated courseware and delivery of training content.
- Self-paced course offerings like United States Army Threat Awareness and Reporting Program, Information Security Program Training, Distributed Leader Course, Risk Management, Commander’s Safety Course, and more
- 24×7 Help Desk Support
- Online self-help technical support
- The CSC (Customer Support Center) for training managers hosting their own materials in the ALMS (Army Learning Management System)
- Quick access to Army training via the web
Training Value:
- Improves readiness and gives training flexibility
- Arranges and tracks training record during Army career via ATRRS
- Supports task-based and blended training strategies
- Gives greater stability for Army Soldier’s and families
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some frequently asked questions about ALMS (Army Learning Management System):
- How do I obtain an account to access ALMS?
If you want to obtain an account to access ALMS, you must have an AKO account with an approved account type. Then, you are able to go to the ALMS to log-in.
- What should I do when I successfully completed a course, but it did not mark as complete?
You must have completed the Letter of Instruction (LOI) and successfully completed the exam, as well as any associated evaluations or surveys. After you have all modules that are marked successful, then you are able to print the course completion certificate from your My Certificates section. For note: Make sure that within the courseware, you exit by using the courseware-provided Exit button. The LOI is going to give you specific navigation instructions.
- If I have a question about the exam content, who do I contact?
If you have a question about exam content of any course or exam, you are able to contact the Army Training Help Desk (ATHD) via the site at Or you are able to click the ATHD button in the horizontal navigation bar of the Learner View or any ALMS page, then click on the Submit a Trouble Ticket tab to ask your question. Please choose one of the Learning Management Systems and the Course Name. Just submit your question. ATHD is going to route your question to the proper authority and give a response to you. Also, you are able to call the help desk at 1-800-275-2872.
- Can I use ALMS on a MAC computer?
Yes, of course, you are able to use ALMS on your MAC computer. For your information, ALMS (Army Learning Management System) and courses that are hosted on the Army Learning Management System are tested to run on the Army Golden Master’s personal computer image. For an optimal training experience, you are able to click the Browser Check link in the horizontal navigation bar of the Learner View, or any ALMS page, and just set your computer settings accordingly.
- Where do I go to navigate my courses?
You have to know that the Course Channels on the Learner View give you the top eight courses which you are registered in, or that you have been assigned by administrator or rule. Also, you are able to access a full list of your courses from the My Courses link. Remember that clicking on the course card is going to slide out an expanded view which provides details regarding the course and topic required for the course and certification. You will be able to access course content by clicking the Launch or Course Details button.
- Why can’t I see the launch button for my course content?
Several content is designed to be opened in sequential order. In several cases, you need to view the LOI first before the button of Launch appears for the remainder of the content. If you have opened the LOI, but still need help, then you have to view the ALMS tutorial for a guide on launching content. Or you are able to contact ATHD via the ATHD button in the horizontal navigation bar of the Learner View. In addition, you are able to call at 1-800-275-2872.
- How do I look for a course in the ALMS?
- You are able to use the Search field in the top menu of the Learner View to search for the courses. Just enter a title, description, or keywords in the Search field. Then, click the glass icon to perform your search.
- How do I register for the course in ALMS?
You have to find the desired course in the search results. Then, click on the course card, then on the Register button. For note: You have to register for ATRRS/CHRTAS-managed courses via the correct website.
- How do I locate or print my certificate for a course that I have completed in the ALMS?
You have to know that certificates for courses which you have completed can be accessed from the My Certificates link in the left-hand side of the Learner View. From there, you are able to email a certificate to yourself, or you are able to download it as a PDF to print later.
- Where do I discover system announcements?
Crucial announcements and other system information items are located within the Announcements Portlet in the Welcome section of the Learner View. Also, crucial announcements are posted in the ATHD web page announcements area.