AISD SSS (Student Self Serve) Teams

In this page, we are going to talk about AISD Student Self Serve Teams. If you want to know that information, you have to read this text until the end. And make sure you will not miss any information from this text.

AISD Student Self Serve

AISD Student Self Serve app is a system that provides access to attendance and grades for all students in Austin ISD. The students are going to use their district issued User Id and password to access AISD Student Self Serve. All students who are enrolled in Austin ISD are automatically set up for a SSS (Student Self Serve) account. Note: You have to use the current version of Google Chrome  with SSS.

For Student Self Serve login issues:

  • You are able to go to
  • After that, click on the blue tile for “Return to School 2020.”
  • Then, you have to click on the blue tile for “Technology Resources.”

Scroll down to resetting student passwords. Then, follow the instructions. If you need a help, you are able to use the Password Reset Contact list to find your Campus Representative that you are able to send an email to. Please include your name of student, student ID and username, and campus name in your email.

To log in:

  • Please click Existing Users
  • After that, enter the UserID and Password used to log onto the computer at school.
  • Then, simply you are able to click Sign On.

To print in Student Self Serve:

If you want to print in Student Self Serve, you are able to right click on the page to be printed and select Print or Print Screen

About SSS (Student Self-Serve)

SSS (Student Self Serve) is a system that gives access to attendance and grades for all students in Austin ISD. The students are going to use their district-issued User Id and password to access AISD SSS (Student Self Serve). If you are a new student who is currently enrolled in Austin ISD, then you are automatically set up for an SSS (Student Self Serve) account. Once again, we highly suggest you to use the current version of the Google Chrome web browser with SSS (Student Self Serve). If you have any issues, simply you are able to send email to Do not forget to include your name and contact information, school and any error messages. The AISD team will respond you as soon as possible.

About Parent Self-Serve

Talking about AISD Student Self Serve, now we are going to talk about Parent Self-serve. You have to know that the Parent Self-serve system provides access to your child’s attendance and grades. If you have more than one child enrolled in Austin ISD, only register once to get access to all of your children.

Please register with the first and last name you have on file with the district. Also, you have to use the student’s legal name to register. In addition, you are going to need the student’s ID number to register. This is the student’s cafeteria number or it is able to be discovered on Progress Reports, Report Cards or student ID badges.

You have to use the current version of Chrome with PSS. If you have any issues, just e-mail Do not forget to include your name and contact information, your child’s name and school and any error messages. The AISD team are going to respond as soon as possible. Austin ISD Employees, including substitute teachers should not register for PSS. Instead, you have to select Existing User and log in with your TEAMS UserID and password.

Besides Parent Self-Serve, here are other apps used by parents in AISD

In Austin ISD, you are able to use a system named Parent Self-Serve for checking your grade book and attendance record. AISD is going to continue to rely on TEAMS or Parent Self-Serve to serve those primary purposes. Each teacher is responsible for creating decisions on which grades will be manually submitted into TEAMS that count toward a student’s official average.

BLEND is a tool or a digital platform which allows the teachers to design blended learning lessons for their students. Also, BLEND allows the students, parents and teachers to connect and communicate around learning. It does have a grade book which is used as an unofficial place to gauge understanding. Remember, not all grades are in BLEND, and several grades in BLEND may not count toward a student’s official grade in TEAMS. When we learn to use BLEND, you have to understand that usage is varied from campus to campus and teacher to teacher.

Blended learning is a combination of online digital learning and face-to-face learning which is designed in a way that is responsive to the needs of the students. Blended learning allows for the student and teacher choice which eventually leads to personalization.

Grading Practices – The teachers assess the student’s understanding in lots of ways and create decisions about which grades count toward a student’s final grade in a grading period or term. Those grades are manually submitted into TEAMS as the official grades regardless of if they come from BLEND or an informal activity face-to-face.

My Messages – School Messenger is the district’s communication tool. The parents will be able to set their modes of district communication in the Parent Portal. If you want to get further information related to School Messenger, you are able to go to the page of School Messenger.

Support for Instructional Concerns

If you have any questions regarding your child’s grades and grading practices, we suggest you speak directly with your student’s teacher in order to get a clear understanding of how grades work for that course. Additionally, if you have any questions regarding how your student is using BLEND in a blended learning environment, please reach out to your student’s teacher. This is a great chance to learn more about how and what your student is learning and build a relationship with their teacher.

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