AISD Cloud Staff

Are you looking for some information related to AISD Cloud Staff? If so, you should read this page until the end. Here we are going to talk about that, make sure you will not miss any information from this text below.

Overview – AISD Staff

When you are at the homepage of Austin Independent School, there you will be able to see some options: Student, Families, Communities, and Staff. Now, you are able to explore into AISD Staff. If you click at the Staff button, there you are going to see lots of information related to Staff. One of them is about Staff Cloud. By the way, what is Staff Cloud? How to login to AISD Staff Cloud? Find out that answer in the next paragraph.

AISD Cloud Staff Login

For those who looking for the way to login to AISD Cloud Staff, you are able to follow these steps below.

  • At the first step, you have to go to AISD Cloud Staff Login page.
  • When you are at the page of AISD Cloud Staff Login, you have to enter your username. Make sure that you enter your username properly.
  • After that, you have to enter your own password. Ensure that you do not forget your own password.
  • Next, login screen appears upon successful login to AISD Cloud Staff.

If you still cannot access AISD Cloud Staff, then you are able to check troubleshooting options below. here.

Having trouble logging in?

If you cannot log in because you forget your password, you are able to solve it by following these steps:

  • Firstly, go to the AISD Staff Log In page.
  • After that, click Forgot Password link.
  • Then, you are going to the page where you are able to get rid of your password.
  • As a staff, you are able to click at AISD employee.
  • Now, you have to enter your email or mobile phone number.
  • Just click continue. There are some steps again that you must do. Make sure you follow all steps in order to your password get back.

If you cannot log in because you forget your username, simply you are able to solve it by doing these steps:

  • Firstly, go to the AISD Staff Log In page.
  • After that, click the Forgot Username link.
  • Then, you are going to the page where you are able to get rid of your username.
  • Now, you only need to enter your email address to find your user ID/username.
  • The recover Username option is going to send your username to the contact email address on file for your login
  • Please check your email inbox to get your username.

What is AISD Smart Cloud Computing

Need to know that AISD Smart Cloud Computing environment provides online access for applications, network files, , file storage, learning and teaching resources with 100’s of AISD vetted sources, educational applications store with hundreds of education applications categorized by grade and subject, web 2.0 tools, collaboration tools, electronic text books, online training video library, online professional development, video conferencing, email, access my PC, and also access my Lab via the web from anywhere, anytime through any device. Despite not all small devices will be able to use these services optimally due to screen limitations, the AISD Smart Cloud Computing environment is accessible via the internet through Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Chrome browsers with any device and operating system which supports these browsers. So, device and operating system agnostic allowing several devices and Smartphone to access this AISD Smart Cloud Computing environment.

With AISD cloud, the staff and students are able to have access anywhere to applications and files usually were only available for them in the classroom and within network. This is going to allow the learning and teaching environment to be mobile following the children and teachers rather than the other way around. Also, it makes for a really cost effective support model that allowing for centralized support of the environment rather than supporting every desktop. This establishes a learning platform with an app portfolio for principals, teachers and students that is consistent, supportable, and aligns with an effective professional development process.

Cloud will give close integration to external free online resources such as Google Docs and Microsoft Live@Edu for the content creation and collaboration. It gives free email access to 6 up to 12 students via Gmail and additional free storage capacity for the content storage for each student. Significantly, this will be able to reduce the operational cost for the district by eliminating the need to purchase new app, complex backup systems, additional storage, and costly annual maintenance for these systems. It will give single sign on to authorized app so the teachers, students and staff do not have to login more than ones to access needed resources and app. Some features such as the Application Dashboard which allow the user to organize their favorite app in one screen for easy access to data in several systems on one screen. Performance management systems like myDashboard, myReporting, and myAnalytics will be in one screen and side by side for comparative analysis.

Remember that the cloud gives relevant resources based on the user profile. Resources are marked by grade level,  job role, subject and level of difficulty and are cross referenced to a user profile to offer relevant resources to be presented to the user. There are hundreds of core app and online resources which will be organized in an easy to follow categories that can be accessed via the environment when all completed becoming it one stop shop for app and data access for all users including the students.

Technical Support for Austin ISD Community


  • The staff are able to login to AISD Portal.
  • Submit a request for support through the ServiceNow tile.


  • The Families are able to call the Family Support line at 512-414-9187.
  • Submit a question or request help.
  • Submit a parent support form.


  • The students are able to call at 512-414-4357.
  • Submit a student support form.
  • Submit a question or request help.

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