AISD Canvas Blend

Are you looking for information about AISD Canvas Blend? If you want to get that information, you need to read this text. Here we are going to talk about AISD Canvas Blend. So, you do not go anywhere and ensure you will not miss any information related to AISD Canvas Blend.

What is AISD Canvas BLEND?

You have to know that Canvas BLEND is Austin ISD’s Learning Management System (LMS) or Learning Positioning System. AISD Canvas BLEND allows the teachers to connect some digital tools in one place. Also, AISD Canvas BLEND allows the teachers to streamline classroom instruction by using one platform. Automatically, all employees of Austin ISD are enrolled in a course named “BLEND 101 for Educators.” For your information, the “BLEND 101 for Educators” course has information about BLEND tips and tricks, BLEND professional learning opportunities, exciting BLEND features and BLEND celebrations.

Aside from that, they have a course which will lead you via some features of the BLEND called Kung Fu Canvas. According to the research, Kung Fu Canvas is a course specially designed by Canvas. It is modified to meet the specific needs of AISD. For those who want to register for Kung Fu Canvas, simply you are able to access the registration page within HCP. You are going to be asked to login to the cloud with your E# and password before it brings you to the registration page. Once you are on the registration page, you have to click the button which says ‘register.’ Then, click the button which says ‘go to course.’ Afterwards, you are able to work your way via each module and then pick up basic skills to more advanced skills as you progress. After you register for that course, it will live on your BLEND dashboard. You will be able to access it whenever you want to continue your learning.

Is BLEND the same as Canvas?

Recently, there are many people who ask whether BLEND is the same as Canvas. Also, you may ever hear some people refer to BLEND as Canvas. Now, you may be curious about the words “BLEND” and “Canvas.” In fact, there are some people who called Austin ISD’s Learning Management System as AISD BLEND. And some others called it AISD Canvas. By the way, is BLEND the same as Canvas? The answer is yes, BLEND is the same system with Canvas, only rebranded for Austin ISD. So, keep in mind that BLEND = Canvas.

AISD Canvas Blend

Benefits of BLEND

Commonly, there are some benefits of BLEND. Here are they:

  • One place of access
  • Online ongoing collaboration
  • Immediate feedback
  • Archive of learning
  • ePortfolio
  • Transparency for parents
  • Access to commons
  • Collaboration in PLCs

Why are the teachers using AISD Canvas BLEND?

With AISD Canvas BLEND, the teachers are able to do several things. In the text below, we are going to explain what teachers can do using AISD Canvas BLEND.

  • The teachers will be able to personalize learning for students connected to standards (TEKS).
  • The teachers will be able to receive and grade student assignments, discussions, and quizzes.
  • The teachers will be able to provide the students with written, audio, or video feedback.
  • The teachers will be able to organize all work and course-related events into one calendar.

Why do students benefit from using AISD Canvas BLEND?

The students will be able to get some benefits from using AISD Canvas BLEND. In the text below, we are going to explain what students can do using AISD Canvas BLEND.

  • The students will be able to access their class materials such as assignments, calendar, and quizzes online by using any device.
  • The students will be able to track their progress.
  • The students will be able to receive course announcements, grade notifications, etc.
  • The students will be able to collaborate with peers and teachers easily.

AISD Canvas BLEND for Parents and Guardians

AISD Canvas BLEND is a Learning Management System specially designed to support and strengthen teaching, learning, and communication in Austin ISD.

To access AISD Canvas BLEND:

  • At the first step, you have to set up a Parent Cloud Account at If you need help setting up your Parent Cloud Account, you will be able to call the Parent Tech Support at 512-414-9187.
  • Then, you are able to log in to from your browser with your AISD Parent Cloud credentials, next click the BLEND button.

To organize your AISD Canvas BLEND Dashboard:

If you log in to AISD Canvas BLEND via the portal, you are going to be directed to the dashboard view. We highly suggest you customize course names and color-coding, especially if you have some students. For those who are logging in for the first time, you need to set notification preferences. If you do not see that box, just click on the account to get notifications.

To set your AISD Canvas BLEND notifications preferences:

  • At the first step, you have to click on Account.
  • Then, click on Settings.
  • After that, click on Notifications. You need to choose how often you get notifications for each item type.

Also, by clicking Account and Settings, you are able to add an additional email address or mobile to receive notifications. You will be able to manage the settings for each additional contact method which you add within Notification Preferences.

Canvas BLEND Support

Apparently, there are two documents that will guide you in the right direction of Canvas BLEND support. The first document is a PDF entitled “Meet Your TDT.” The document will share with you who your district Technology Design Coach. The second document is actually similar, but it is a Google sheet which is updated throughout the year to describe who your support contact is for canvas BLEND, blended learning, and instructional technology integration at a district AND campus level. Note: This document will only be accessible if you have AISD Google drive access.

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