Active Student Pearl River Central

Pearl River County School District (PRCSD) is working to ensure curriculum and resources address student needs. They are committed to give the best learning way for each student. The MS Department of Education provides the PRCSD’s curriculum including the student’s competencies and objectives in the curriculum frameworks.

PRCSD provides a student portal, parents portal and staff portal to make it easier to access the Pearl River County School District. By accessing the PRCSD’s portal, either students, parents or staff will get anything that they need. So, let’s find out how to access the PRCSD portal in our post!

Accessing Active Students, Here’s the Guide!

Active Student is a login portal  page for every student of Pearl River County School District. So, if you want to log into Pearl River County School District, you need to access the Active Student page at

Active Student Pearl River login

After you are at the login page, you need to enter your username and password issued by Pearl River County School District. So, if you face any issues when logging into Active Student, make sure to contact your campus staff.

How to Register PRCSD Students?

Recently, Pearl River County School District is opening registration for new and returning students. Certainly, to register as PRCSD students, you need to fill the registration forms first. The registration form can be obtained here.

On the registration form, you need to fill your personal information including Your Last Name, Your Middle Name, and Your First Name. You will also need to confirm the Parent-Guardian/Student/Teacher Compact Agreement. After that, there will be a new confirmation window that says ‘Is your child a new or returning student to PRC?’, there will be two options: New and Returning. Click on the ‘New’ option if you are a new registrant.

Following step will provide you with your personal information such as your birthdate, school options, telephone number, grade in school, gender and more. So, make sure to continue following further steps until your registration is completed.

Moreover, if you are a parent who wants to register your child to Pearl River County School District, at least you need to create an account to ease you for your child’s registration process. You can create your account through ActiveParent Portal at On the ActiveParent portal, you will be required to enter your ActiveCode. After validating the code, you need to enter your personal information. So, get started to create PRCSD’s parent account now!

The PRCSD’s Curriculum

English Language Arts

The Pearl River County School District provides ELA (English Language Arts), as part of the Office of Elementary Education and Reading and also the Office of Secondary Education. The ELA is responsible for providing support to teachers and schools throughout the state of implementation of Mississippi’s College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) for ELA.

The ELA’s staff seems to develop resources for students, teachers, and delivers statewide and school-based professional development. They also support schools in the alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment.


The Pearl River County School District provides Math subjects, as part of the Office of Elementary Education and Reading and Office of Secondary Education.

The Department of Mathematics is responsible to support and train teachers of mathematics, administrators, curriculum specialists and also parents to provide the most latest information and resources which are needed to apply the 2016 Mississippi College-and Career-Readiness Standards (MS CCRS) for Mathematics.


The Pearl River County School District provides Science subjects, as part of the Office of Elementary Education and Reading and Office of Secondary Education. The Department of Science is responsible for providing support to schools and teachers throughout the state to implement 2018 Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards (MS CCRS) for Science.

Social Studies

The Social Studies subject organizes learning for students related to social life in the community. The goal of the Department of Social Studies is to prepare students mentally and behaviorally when they begin to enter the real world in society.


The Career of Technical Education (CTE) seems to help in training a competitive worker for the market. This department assists the students to build marketable job skills and get national industry certifications.


The arts department is to assure that the students experience the uniqueness of the arts, understand themselves and their world to create, express, and communicate through the arts.

Physical Education

The Physical Education (PE) assures to support the student’s health. The students who are participating in physical education programs will receive skills and social skills to encourage an active, healthy lifestyle.


The Health Education curriculum addresses the mental,physical, emotional and also social dimensions of health. The health subject curriculum is designed to help the students to improve and maintain their health. The health education curriculum includes:

  • Personal and Consumer Health
  • Mental Health
  • Family and Social Health
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Disease Prevention and Control
  • Nutrition and Fitness
  • Substance Abuse Prevention
  • Community/Environmental Health
  • Safety and First Aid

World Languages

This subject ensures the students can understand and master communicating in any language. The teachers will take advantage of this curriculum to help students for comprehensive world language education.

Early Childhood

The curriculum seems to accelerate the student’s achievement for every child in Mississippi. The goal of this preschool curriculum is to help the school district and also parents to improve their child to get readiness and reaching achievement started in preschool.

Business & Technology

The Mississippi Business and Technology Framework provides knowledge and fundamental basic business which are related to management, economic fundamentals, finance, communication and more.

College & Career Readiness

CCR supports the students to obtain the types of skills which are relevant with their interest. All students who have graduated from high school will be prepared for career, college and also active citizenship.

Accelerated Programs

The Pearl River County School District provides Advanced Placement courses to train the students at a college-level. This is such a challenging course which requires significant study time on a daily basis. Later, the students will get a score at the 3,4 or 5 level to earn college credit for courses that they have taken.

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