Achieve3000 Teacher Edition Answer Key Full

Are you looking for some information about Achieve3000 Teacher Edition Answer Key Full? You may come here to find the information about it. Well, we tried to look for the information about it and you may wonder what we have found. So, let’s check it out.

Achieve3000 Teacher Edition Answer Key

We tried to look for the information about Achieve3000 Teacher Edition answer key, but we were not able to find it. It seems that the information about it is limited. If you want to know about it, it is better for you to register and subscribe Achieve3000.

Achieve3000 Activity Answer Key

Instead of finding Achieve3000 teacher edition answer key, we found the activity answer key. In Achieve3000, you are able to download activity. In each activity that you download, there is also the answer key that you can find at the end of the page.

The answer key is used to check whether your answer is correct or not and then you are able to assess yourself. You have to make sure that you do not see the answer key when you try to answer the questions of the activity. Try to do it by yourself honestly. And then, after you answer all of the questions, you are able to check the answer key.

The activity that you are able to download in Smarty Ants page and also in Achieve3000 Literacy is free. However, if you want to get more and also to get more features, you have to register and subscribe to Achieve3000.

Below, we have some questions and answer key of each question that we take from Achieve3000 Literacy. This is an activity for 2nd grade. The questions below are taken from the activity which the title of the text is Sniffing Out Extinction.

  • Question: What is this article mainly about?

Answer: B. Dogs use their noses to be able to find endangered species.

  • Why does an Australian conservation group want to help the Baw Baw frogs?

Answer: D. Fewer than 1,200 Baw Baw frogs are left.

  • Question: In the article, it is said that Baw Baw live in hard-to-get-to forest. And they hide under mud. It helps the reader to know …

Answer: D. why it is not easy to find Baw Baw frogs.

  • Question: What are two words which have almost the similar meaning?

Answer: C. sniff and smell

  • Question: The reader is able to tell that Baw Bar frogs …

Answer: D. don’t want other animals to find them.

There are various themes of the text. So, you are not only able to improve your reading skill, but also you are able to increase your knowledge.

Some Tips to be Able To Answer The Questions Well

Do you want to answer the questions well in the activity of Achieve3000? If so, you are able to read some tips below to help you.

  • You have to read the text carefully. It means that, don’t read the text in a rush. Just take it easy because you are not in a competition.
  • Make sure that you can get the point of every paragraph.
  • Don’t skip any important thing.
  • You are able to use context clues. By using it, it will be good to understand what you are reading even though you do not know all the vocabulary being used. You are able to find the context clues in the words and sentences surrounding the word which are not familiar with. If you want to use context clues, you are able to focus on the key phrases or ideas in a sentence. And then, you have to deduce the main idea of a sentence or paragraph based on this information. In addition, you are also able to find nearby words which are synonyms or antonyms of the word that you do not know.
  • You have to eliminate distractions. If you are distracted with something, the ability to comprehend the text will be negatively impacted. So, you have to make sure that you eliminate the distraction and focus only on the text that you are reading. If you focus, it will help you to learn to hold your attention to what you read.
  • You are able to read aloud. If you read aloud the text, it will combine visual and audio learning into your reading comprehension practice. It will force you to slow down so that it will give you more time to process the text that you are reading.

Get To Know About Achieve3000

In Achieve3000, you will be provided online differentiated instruction with the goal of improving reading comprehension in pre-K through 12th grade students and even adult learners. Achieve3000 can also be used by teachers to establish a baseline Lexile reading level for their students. And they, they are able to combine the numerous standards-aligned lessons of the site and tools to foster academic growth and track the progress of students. The products of Achieve3000 can also be enjoyed by schools and districts by buying the licenses through the website of the company. Achieve3000 can also a solution for homeschooling.

Achieve3000 want to improve literacy for all learners. They have programs which can be used for all ages and abilities. The users will be able to access to more than 10,000 standards-aligned English and Spanish non-fiction texts. The most articles are scaled on twelve different Lexile levels in English and seven levels in Spanish. So, it permits students with a wide spectrum of abilities to access the similar content. Even teachers and administrators will be given the tools that can be used to monitor the progress of students and to forecast preparedness for standardized tests and college and career readiness.

The products of Achieve3000 can be accessed across multiple devices such as Android, Apple and Chromebook products. Achieve3000’s programs can be enjoyed by paying. Homeschooling solution is offered by this company to use their product and the price is about $132 to $177 per license depending on the program which is chosen. For schools and districts, they are able to request pricing through the website of Achieve3000.

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