According to the Federal Regulations, Which of the Following Studies Meets the Definition of Research with Human Subjects?

The CITI program refers to an online training program made to educate faculty and students about the issues involving human subject research. The design and implementation of it was funded by the Office of Research Integrity, the Department of Health and Human Services. The program provides a uniform course of instruction to the university community about the human subjects.

Furthermore, the instruction of CITI is accepted as the standard for IRB training for tons of domestic and international organizations, the requirements for duplication in training efforts in most cases are reduced by it. On the other hands, some sponsors, departments, and the other entities may need additional training, including DHHS and NIH.

If you want to register for the CITI course, you can just click the Register for the CITI course. Then, you will be asked to pick your institution. Please complete everything and do not forget to click the Submit button in the end.

In the same place, make a username as well as the password. Whenever you sign into the CITI Training Course, you will be required to enter your username and the password. Apart from that, you will also be asked about your personal information such as your name and email address. Once you are done, complete all sections within the page. Next, choose the curriculum that is best for you. For those who have never completed a CITI course, please choose the option that states you are here to take Human Subjects Protections Course for the first time.

Everyone will need to learn a series of online learning modules that concern the protection of human subjects that are used in the research. Then, they will be tested on the material in the modules. The test includes a question about the studies that meet the definition of the research within human subjects. Basically, the question will ask which one that meets the definition of the research within the human subjects according to the federal regulations.

To get the right answer, you can choose the one stating that an experiment is proposed on the relationship between gender-related stereotypes and the subsequent performance by males and females on math tests.

Here is the detail of why you should choose the answer above. In the course of the effects of raising stereotypes consequent to performance, the researcher gets a research question and will be manipulating the behavior of individuals. An in-house study conducted with the intention of improving the mentioning programs of a department is not research with human subjects, but rather program improvement. Getting data without identifiers is not research with human subjects. It is because there is no interaction or intervention with a living human being and has nothing to do with the private identifiable data. Aside from that, creating a report for a membership organization will not involve a research question, as defined by the federal regulations, so it too is not research with human subjects.

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