A lot of crossword puzzles may show a clue that says ‘A Bad Tempered Moment We Hear Caused by Word Puzzle’. You may find this clue in some crossword puzzles, but until now, you do not know what the answer is. However, only a few crossword clues have its answer.
Thankfully, you’re at the right page now, as this post will show you the answer for its clue. We definitely got the answer from some crossword puzzle sources. So, let’s find out the answer for this crossword clue below!
The Crossword Puzzle Clue Answer
According to some sources, the possible answer for A Bad Tempered Moment We Hear Caused by Word Puzzle is‘Acrostic’. Why Acrostic?
Well, Acrostic can be defined as a poem, word puzzle or other composition where certain letters in each line form a word or words. Another definition, acrostic, is a composition commonly in verse where sets of letters, especially the initial or final letters of the lines taken in order to form a word of phrase or a regular sequence of letters of the alphabet.
The term ‘Acrostic’ is common in medieval literature. It commonly serves to highlight the name of the poet or his patron or also to create a prayer to a saint. Acrostic is most frequent in verse works, however it can also appear in prose.
What Is an Acrostic Poem?
The term ‘Acrostic’ cannot be separated from the poem, so it results in the term ‘ Acrostic Poem’. So, what exactly is an Acrostic Poem? According to Wikipedia, Acrostic Poem comes when the first letter in every line of a text spells out a specific word.
An acrostic can also be created in which the last letter of each line of a text spells out the word, however it is harder to make. In other words, an acrostic poem is a poem in which the first letter of each line or the last letter of each line spells out a specific word.
Types of Acrostic Poem
Acrostic Poem comes in some forms including acrostic poem using the first letter, acrostic poem using the different positions, acrostic poem spell the name and also acrostic poem from literature.
- Using first letter
This is one of the most common types of acrostic poems. This type of acrostic poem uses the first letter to spell a word or phrase. Sure, you will have a lot of fun with this format.
Here are some examples of acrostic poem using the first letter that we got from yourdictionary.com:
- Crunchy chewy
- Awesome
- Nice and sweet
- Delightful and delicious
- Yummy treat
- Cuddly
- Acrobatic
- Tenacious and terrifying
- Softly purring
- Frightening
- Eerie and strange
- Anxiety rises
- Ready to flee
- Sunny days
- Plants awakening
- Raindrops on the roof
- Interesting clouds
- New flowers
- Gray skies
- Home
- Open and inviting
- Universal
- Safe and warm
- Everything
- Using the different position
Even though acrostic poems use the first letter, but there’s also acrostic poems that use a different position. This type allows you to create one using letters at the end of the line or in different places in each line. It creates a kind of code. Sure, the letters that spell out the word are still capitalized.
Here are some examples of acrostic poem using the different position that we got from yourdictionary.com:
- Chicken or beeF
- Rice or potatO
- Broccoli or tomatO
- White wine or reD
- Pick uP a pen
- Think of a tOpic
- Be crEative
- Use your iMagination
- RowS of desks
- TeaChers explain
- Pencils sHarpened
- Going Over the facts
- Writing pOems and essays
- The belL rings, finally
- FootballS and basketballs
- UmPires and refs
- Defending yOur goal
- ScoRing goals
- A real Team effort
- Crowd goeS wild
- Shines and twinkleS
- In the nighT
- There is a plethorA
- Forever and eveR
- Spell the names
With acrostic, kids will have fun creating their own poem with their name. They can choose their name or someone’s name or pick one at random. It’s so much fun to create a poem with your own name, your friend’s name, your family’s name and other people that you desire.
Here are some examples of acrostic poem that spells name that we got from yourdictionary.com:
- Beaming, so joyful
- Elegant, so graceful
- Tantalizing, thrilling the senses
- Thorough, attentive to details
- Yearning, a drive to succeed
- Magnificent, a creature of wonder
- Alluring, so attractive
- Reliable, a buddy you can count on
- Interesting, truly fascinating
- Obliging, willing to accommodate
- Nice, a sweet soul
- Serene, a calming quality
- Organized, you always have it together
- Picturesque, strikingly beautiful
- Honest, so genuine
- Imaginative, a creative mind
- Alluring, so attractive
- Worthy, your friendship is a gift
- Illustrious, bright and accomplished
- Lively, the life of the party
- Light-hearted, you have an easy laughter
- Inspirational, the ability to motivate
- Approachable, people turn to you for help
- Merry, abundant joy
- Acrostic poem from literature
You may already know that some authors have written acrostic poems over the years. so, here are some examples of acrostic poems from literature that we got from softschools.com.
- Sunshine warming my toes,
- Underwater fun with my friends.
- Making homemade ice cream on the porch,
- Many long nights catching fireflies.
- Early morning walks to the creek,
- Reveling in the freedom of lazy days.
This acrostic poem is Edgar Allan Poe’s “An Acrostic”:
- Elizabeth it is in vain you say
- “Love not”-thou sayest it in so sweet a way:
- In vain those words from thee or L.E.L.
- Zantippe’s talents had enforced so well:
- Ah! if that language from thy heart arise,
- Breath it less gently forth-and veil thine eyes.
- Endymion, recollect, when Luna tried
- To cure his love-was cured of all beside-
- His follie-pride-and passion-for he died.
From “Georgiana Augusta Keats” by John Keats:
- Kind sister! aye, this third name says you are;
- Enchanted has it been the Lord knows where;
- And may it taste to you like good old wine,
- Take you to real happiness and give
- Sons, daughters and a home like honied hive.
Okay, those are some examples of acrostics that we got from some sources.